═══ 1. General Introduction ═══ CFSSetup will install the CFSPoker program on the drive of your choice. You can select the drive where you want to install CFSPoker by selecting the check box at the top left corner of the drive selection entry. At the same time this will change the drive which precedes the path in the entry box in the top left portion of your screen. You can change both the drive and the directory name by replacing the drive and path value in the entry box. You must select one of the drives shown since these are the only drives with adequate space to contain the program. Questions can be directed to: C F S Nevada, Inc. 953 E. Sahara Avenue, Suite 9B Las Vegas, Nevada 89104-3012 Voice: +1-702-732-9616 FAX: +1-702-732-3847 CompuServe: 71154,2002 E-mail: CFSPoker@cfsrexx.com The latest version of CFSPoker can be found at: http://www.cfsrexx.com or can be downloaded via anonymous FTP from ftp.cfsrexx.com/pub/CFSPoker.ZIP (case specific). ═══ 2. DLL Conflict ═══ Another copy of the subject DLL was found that may be in conflict. The two DLLs used by CFSPoker are REXXLIB.DLL (Quercus Systems) and VROBJ.DLL (WATCOM Systems International). If the copies which conflict are older than the copies contained in the CFSPoker package, the older copies should be removed. If the conflicting copies are newer than the respective DLLs distributed with CFSPoker, this message can be ignored. ═══ 3. REXXLIB version conflict ═══ If this panel appears as a result of running CFSPoker or its installation program, the version of REXXLIB.DLL that is already registered on your system is obsolete - it doesn't support the PMQuerySysValue() function. This function was added to REXXLIB.DLL in September, 1995 and is required by CFSPoker. If the obsolete copy of REXXLIB is located in a directory named in your LIBPATH in CONFIG.SYS, there is a tool available on our FTP server which will help you locate the conflict. LISTDLL will create an ASCII file of all of the DLLs that are addressable on your system, at the same time indicating any conflicts that exist. The tool is available from our Web site at http://www.cfsrexx.com on the REXX Related Files page. It is also available from our FTP server via anonymous FTP at ftp.cfsrexx.com/pub/listdll.zip. If the obsolete copy of REXXLIB is not located via your LIBPATH, it is contained in the startup directory of the program that is using it. Use the Find facility located on every object's popup menu to locate all of the copies of REXXLIB.DLL on your system. If you have licensed the use of REXXLIB from its owner - Quercus Systems http://www.quercus-sys.com, you should contact them for the latest version. If the old version is an unlicensed copy of REXXLIB.DLL, please license it with Quercus Systems. They can be reached at: Quercus Systems P.O. Box 2157 Saratoga, CA 95070 408-867-REXX (voice) 408-867-7489 (FAX) 408-867-7488 (BBS) CIS, PCVENA, Sec 11 (Charles Daney 75300,2450) http://www.quercus-sys.com The copy of REXXLIB.DLL which is contained in the CFSPoker package is distributed without additional charge with the expressed permission of Quercus Systems. Its unlicensed use is intended exclusively with programs written and distributed by C F S Nevada, Inc.